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Contact Us

Our preferred method of communication with prospective and current parents is via email. Where possible we will endeavour to respond to your email within a 48 hour timeframe, but please be mindful that teachers may not respond to emails until after the school day. When on leave, staff will activate an auto-reply message detailing relevant leave dates. If the matter is urgent, the preferable method of communication is via the main school phone number.

For the latest news and events at °ÄÃÅÁùºÏ²Êͼ¿â we encourage to visit our website regularly or follow us on or .

20 Lucca Street, Churchlands
Western Australia 6018

Telephone: +61 8 9441 1700

Absence Reporting
Parents are requested to use the Absentee Note Form on to advise the school of a student absentee. Please refrain from ringing the school to report any absences.

Monitoring student attendance is an essential aspect of attendance record-keeping and must be able to satisfactorily explain to the Department of Education each student’s absence.